Just Roses Hand-tied Bouquet
Just Roses Hand-tied Bouquet
Just twenty-five Roses
Neapolitan Ice Cream
Not JUST any ol' twenty-five roses. In fact, this hand-tied bouquet is a beautiful recipe of our three most favorite varieties- Playa Bianca, Toffee and Quicksand.
Combining toffee with dusty pink + cream with a pure white juicy rose makes for the softest and most romantic color palette
25 stems of neapolitan ice cream goodness hand-tied & gift wrapped to perfection with LOVE
Local Pick-up 2/13/25 or 2/14/25
Please specify pick-up date and any other requests via email to flowers@dogwoodpdx.com
Photo does not include all flower varieties that will be used
*This design does not include a vase*
Regular price
$150.00 USD
Regular price
Sale price
$150.00 USD
Unit price
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